Remove brown spots and other pigmentation to even skin tone

You belong at our Wicker Park Med Spa

Laser Skin Rejuvenation

We offer two skin rejuvenation lasers to allow our clients to achieve their anti-aging and cosmetic goals - comfortably and safely. The GentleMax Pro is FDA-approved and offers painless treatments with striking results.

Remove These Types of Spots

  • Hyperpigmentation - patches and brown spots

  • Benign keratoses

  • Melasma - larger brown patches

  • Freckles

  • Redness

  • Superficial spider veins

During laser treatment, the laser delivers energy through an intense beam of light. This light targets pigmentation in the skin. This treats damaged areas of skin and helps stimulate new cell growth in the area. The GentleMax Pro also features a cooling component to prevent discomfort during your procedure.

How to Prepare for Your Laser Treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure on the area that’s going to be treated to help make treatment safe and effective.

  • Tell your technician about any medications you’re taking or topical medications you’re applying so that they can ensure there won’t be any adverse reactions.

Laser Treatment Steps

The number of treatments necessary for the best possible results varies. Most clients receive between 2-4 sessions.

  1. Protection - Your technician will provide eye protection so that the laser doesn’t harm your eyes.

  2. Personal adjustment - The laser will be set to treat your skin tone and your technician will also take the treatment area and skin thickness into account. The goal is to make the laser as effective as possible without harming your healthy skin.

  3. Treatment - The laser will be passed over the treatment area as it pulses bursts of light energy. Most clients experience a mild sensation like a rubber band against the skin. The GentleMax Pro’s cooling function helps minimize discomfort, and the skin is usually the most sensitive during the first procedure.

  4. Post-treatment - You’ll be able to resume your daily life right away. You may want to avoid exfoliating or robust cleansers for a few days - your technician will give you specific instructions.

  5. After your appointment, there may be mild redness in the treatment area, but this will quickly fade. Be sure to use sunscreen and protect your treated skin from the sun as much as possible.

Before and After Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Before and after GentleMax Pro

Before and after GentleMax Pro

Before and after GentleMax Pro

Before and after GentleMax Pro

Laser Rejuvenation FAQ

Will treatment be painful?

Treatment is typically very tolerable - some clients experience a sensation like a rubber band snapping against the skin, or a mild stinging. There is typically no local anesthetic necessary. After treatment, you may experience some redness in the treatment area but you’ll be able to get back to regular life right away.

How many sessions will I need?

The answer is different for every client. We’ll create a personalized treatment plan that is ideal for your anti-aging and cosmetic goals. This may involve a combination of treatments to best meet your needs and budget. Schedule a consultation to speak with one of our providers and learn what will be the most effective for your skin.

Will my laser results be permanent?

This depends on the concerns being treated, your day to day skin protection and your overall aging process. For example, scar tissue will fade and won’t return. But hyperpigmentation can return if you’re still experiencing ongoing sun damage. And aging will continue even with ongoing laser treatments - but a set laser regimen will help you look your absolute best.

Book an Appointment
(773) 697-8316

1755 W North Ave. Suite 103
Chicago, IL 60622

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OR want to chat right away? Text us at ‭(773) 383-5162‬.

Love your look on the outside, feel like yourself on the inside.