Fall Reset: Easy Ways to Renew Your Skin this Season

Woman with beautiful skin in fall weather.

Spring usually gets all of the attention when it comes to renewal and fresh starts. But what about this time of year? With colorful leaves, cozy sweaters, and pumpkin-spiced everything, fall is a season that many of us eagerly await. Like spring, fall is a transition. Winter is around the corner, and that means dry air and harsher weather, which can be tough on your skin. Be prepared with some of our favorite treatments to get your skin ready for the cooler months. 

Why Fall and Winter Can Be Tough on Skin

Any change in your environment can impact your skin in a number of ways. Changes in the seasons can be a trigger for many. And, not surprisingly, the transition from warm, moist weather to dryer, colder air can wreak havoc on skin.

  • Loss of Moisture: Cold winds and indoor heating systems mean dryer air, which can strip the skin of its natural oils. This leads to dehydration, causing tightness and flakiness.

  • Increased Exposure to UV Rays: Though it seems counterintuitive, winter sun combined with snow glare can still harm your skin, causing premature aging. This is especially true since sunblock may not be at the top of your priority list this time of year.

  • Reduced Blood Circulation: As temperatures drop, blood vessels constrict, which can reduce the blood flow to the skin. This can lead to a dull complexion.

  • Temperature Fluctuations: Moving from a heated room to the cold outdoors can shock your skin, making it more prone to redness and sensitivity.

  • Limited Fresh Air: With more time spent indoors, our skin often comes in contact with dry recycled air, which can lead to dullness.

Skin Revival Techniques 

Understanding the concerns many patients face during these seasons, there are treatments tailored to address and mitigate these challenges. Let's explore how they can help your skin get a head start.


This multi-step treatment cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates the skin. It not only moisturizes your skin on a deep level, but it also helps in removing accumulated dead skin cells, which can build up as a result of summer sun exposure, providing a fresh and radiant look. Hydrafacials are a no-fuss, affordable way to get ready for fall.


This is another excellent exfoliating treatment that has been gaining traction in recent years. Like a Hydrafacial, Dermaplaning is a great choice for an end-of-summer refresh. Dermaplaning is another easy treatment which involves gently scraping off the top layer of dead skin cells. It not only makes your skin smoother but also allows for better absorption of skincare products.

PRP Microneedling

This procedure involves tiny needles that create micro-injuries at the skin’s surface, then applying Platelet Rich Plasma, a powerful compound derived from your own blood. PRP Microneedling stimulates collagen and elastin production by stimulating healing and infusing your skin with potent growth factors from PRP. It's a terrific way to combat the signs of aging and to restore the skin's natural elasticity. In addition, PRP Microneedling can diminish discoloration, including sun spots that result from exposure to harmful UV rays over time.

Laser Skin Regeneration

If you are looking for something with more of an impact, specifically on dark spots that result from sun exposure, you might want to consider laser skin regeneration. This treatment uses focused light technology to reach deep beneath the skin's surface and noticeably erase sun spots, melasma, freckles, and other hyperpigmentation.

Fall Into Perfect Skin

It's always important to recognize that no treatment is a one-size-fits-all. Everyone's skin reacts differently to the changing seasons, and a tailored approach ensures that you receive the care best suited to your needs. That's why you need experts to help create a comprehensive skin care plan throughout the year.

Book a consultation with our experienced staff today. Your fall and winter skin will thank you!



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