Botox vs. Dysport: Is There a Right Choice for You?

Botox and Dysport are the biggest names in neuromodulator wrinkle reduction. But are they just different names for the same thing? Is there a difference between Botox and Dysport? Is one better than the other? And which is right for you?  

We are here to take a deeper look into these two injectables and answer all of your Botox vs. Dysport questions.

What is Botox?

Botox is a name that has become synonymous with anti-aging treatments, and that's because it was the first of its kind and is still the most recognized injectable treatment out there. But how does it work?

Botox is a neurotoxin derived from a naturally occurring bacteria. It injected under the skin and works by blocking nerve signals to muscles, preventing them from contracting. This effect smooths out wrinkles and fine lines, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.

Beyond cosmetics, Botox is used for various medical conditions, including chronic migraines, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), and even certain dental issues like TMJ disorders. It is considered safe for these uses as well as smoothing and preventing wrinkles on multiple areas of the face.

What is Dysport?

Dysport is a newer entrant in the market but operates on the same principle as Botox. It also uses a type of botulinum toxin to inhibit muscle contractions. While Dysport works in much the same way, it is formulated differently in order to more optimally treat a larger area.

Differences Between Botox and Dysport

While Botox and Dysport share a common goal and similar mechanisms of action, several differences might influence your choice.

Spread and Precision

Due to its smaller molecule size, Dysport will dissipate more after injection than Botox. This characteristic can be beneficial or detrimental, depending on your goals and the treatment area. For broader areas requiring a more diffused treatment, Dysport will be preferred. In contrast, Botox's precision is ideal for treating smaller, more defined areas.

Concentration and Dosage

Dysport is more diluted than Botox, which means you will need a higher dosage of Dysport to achieve a similar effect as a lower dose of Botox. However, this does not necessarily imply that Dysport is less effective; it's just a matter of how each is formulated.


The cost vary depending on the provider, location, and the quatity used. Generally, Dysport is less expensive per unit than Botox, but since higher quantities of Dysport might be required to achieve the same effect, the overall treatment cost is likely to be similar.

Onset and Duration

Some studies suggest that Dysport may act faster than Botox, with patients seeing results in 2-3 days as opposed to Botox's 4-7 days. However, the longevity of the effects is comparable between the two, typically lasting 3-6 months, depending on the individual's metabolism, the area treated, and the dosage used.

FDA Approval

Both treatments are FDA-approved for cosmetic uses, but their approved applications differ slightly. It's essential to consult with a professional about your specific needs and whether Botox or Dysport is more suitable for you.

Making the Right Choice

Whether it's Botox or Dysport, both treatments offer ways to achieve smoother skin and a more youthful appearance. Both treatments have proven efficacy and safety profiles, making them excellent options for cosmetic use.

Choosing between these injectables comes down to your individual needs, the areas you wish to treat, and the advice of your provider. Consult with a professional who understands facial anatomy and the specific dynamics of Botox and Dysport. We can assess your unique situation, discuss your aesthetic goals with your in detail, and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

If you're considering Botox or Dysport, book an appointment with us today and discover how these treatments can enhance your look and your life.



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